Meet some of our Howick tutors

We currently have a team of over 700+ active tutors. We cover most of the major subjects in NCEA, Cambridge (CAIE), IB, and Year 7 to 10.

Meet a few of them below!

The right match

We believe that the most important thing affecting how a student learns is who is teaching them.

The specific tutors we arrange for you will be depend on the student, where they are based, and what they need help with.

Profile Photo of Jasmeet


Bachelor of Health Sciences

Cambridge Tutor

For Physics, English and Chemistry

Servicing Howick, Auckland

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Profile Photo of Neeravh


Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.)

Cambridge Tutor

For Maths

Book a tutor just like Neeravh
Profile Photo of Lillie


Bachelor of Psychology

NCEA Tutor

For Maths

Book a tutor just like Lillie
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